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The Impact of the First 100 Days

publication date: Jan 15, 2011
author/source: Dr. John Hogan CHE CHA CMHS

The Impact of the First 100 Days

Posted on January 14, 2011 by HoganHospitality.com The First 100 Days

That expression or term alone raises a certain expectation, a sense of urgency and a feeling that something positive or significant can occur.  Many government and business officials use that time period to introduce as many new programs and ideas as they can.   Sports coaches likewise use the first three plus months to try to introduce as many new plays and as much discipline as possible into their teams.

For hotels and the hospitality industry, what could it mean?

What could it mean for you personally?

I am proposing that if we do it right, we could make 2011 a real turn around year for us, as the new year is starting with Optimism for the U.S. Economy

  1. An early January 2011 of the CEO Briefing commented that U.S. CEOs may have something to smile about, with the U.S. economy showing some signs of recovery.
  2. Business week magazine noted the Standard & Poor's 500-stock index of U.S. stocks increased about 12.8 percent for the recently concluded year and with the extension of the Bush tax cuts last month, there is even a greater sense of optimism.
  3. The positive outlook for the US is in contrast to negativity associated with the economy in other parts of the world , according to Businessweek. Europe is struggling with sovereign debt,  while China, India, and several other emerging countries need to block inflation. Emerging-market economies are not controlling growth and there is increasing demand for commodities that could lead to increased energy costs globally.
I propose the way we do it right is by looking at our own First 100 Days, and that means Making our New Year's Hospitality Resolutions Real and Practical. http://www.hospitalityeducators.com/articles/20110114

Beginning on Monday, January 17, there will be a new and regular series of" Fresh Air and New Ideas" provided on this blog and on www.HospitalityEducators.com for hoteliers and hospitality professionals to consider, fine tune and act on.  The first link is already there - the rest is up to each of us!

Dr. John Hogan CHE CHA CMHS    Hotelier, Speaker, Educator, Columnist

* Co-Founder of www.HospitalityEducators.com
A membership information site committed to MAKING YOUR HOTEL MORE PROFITABLE!

* Principal, www.HoganHospitality.com
Your Hospitality Resource for the Hotel Owner, Innkeeper, Manager and Hospitality Industry Associations.

2011  Keys to Success are results-driven programs  aimed at building competitive advantage. These programs are available as either a keynote address or an interactive workshop. Details are available can be found at both sites.

Program # 10

Questions I Wish You'd Ask - Making Hospitality More Profitable!!

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