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Adapting Ozone Laundry - Look at the Savings @Hampton Inn and Hilton Properties

publication date: Mar 28, 2016
author/source: CHRIS LEWIS

  Hampton Inn and Hilton Properties Adapting Ozone Laundry - By Chris Lewis


Over the past several years my team and I have worked with hoteliers and ozone technology providers successfully lowering natural gas spend, saving thousands of gallons of water while reducing chemical costs and diverting waste from local landfills. Ozone systems are one of the most proven technologies offering a sustainable alternative to traditional sanitation and cleaning in green hotels.

EcoGreenHotel For the green hospitality industry, Ozone offers technology for food sanitation, pool and spa sanitation and laundry systems.  Each utilizes the “super oxygenated” Ozone (O3) which affords superior sanitation and cleaning properties at a fraction of the cost of traditional services.

Perhaps the most impactful technology offered in the world of hoteliers is the Ozone Laundry system.  These systems reduce energy consumption, water usage and virtually eliminate the reliance on harsh chemical additives and detergents that can potentially shorten the lifespan of expensive linen products.

One of our partner vendors has allows us access to case studies focused on the hospitality sector. We want to share the results with our network of green hoteliers in my effort to support hospitality sustainability. Since its inception in 1975, Del Ozone has shipped more than 2,000,000 Ozone systems worldwide.  They are a leader in the sustainable technology sector and have producing impactful products to aide in the reduction of carbon emissions and to promote green initiatives

I have reviewed in detail case studies provided to me by Del regarding ozone laundry utilized in hospitality facilities. I have provided an executive summary for each property and full details can be requested at http://www.delozone.com/. The studies were based on comparative performance highlights the consumption/efficiency levels prior to the system being installed and a sampling of post-implementation performance.  Within these studies, the case is clearly made that the long-term savings accrued by retro-fitting to this green technology far outweigh, and in many cases dwarf, the initial costs of purchase and installation. 

Hampton Inn Providence Rhode Island

The Providence Hampton Inn and Suites had a total combined cost savings of 25% on the new Ozone Laundry system when compared to their original laundry protocol.  With the assistance of available energy and utility incentives, this system paid for itself in just under a year and a half.  Take a look at your P&L for last month.  Could your hotel use an additional $634 in the Laundry expense line item?  If so, then read on and learn about the successes of the Hampton Inn and Suites in Middletown, RI.   The savings alone are worth looking into, not to mention the total reduction in carbon footprint for the property from just adjusting ONE departments operation.


Hampton Inn Providence Rhode Island

What price tag would you place on reducing your hotel’s carbon footprint?  If you’re seriously considering a switch to more sustainable, greener technology, then just use the Hampton Inn and Suites Middletown as an example of why it makes sense.  With combined utility incentives, the out of pocket cost was a mere $11,783.  This resulted in a carbon footprint reduction of 35 tons just for one property!  With a 79% ROI in the first year, it not only makes sense for the environment, but also their bottom line.  Speaking of bottom lines, the Hilton Minneapolis, MN achieved substantial savings in their annual operating costs.  Read on to learn more about how this full-service hotel reduced their operating costs in laundry by almost $40,000/year.

We’re starting to discover that the savings potential associated with an Ozone laundry system is not merely meant to help the smaller limited or select service properties.  The 821-room Hilton Minneapolis installed these systems to assist in reducing their consumption of hot water and additional utilities on their large-scale operation.  Given their size, the systems needed were more extensive and thus had a price tag of $42,500.  Conversely, it was the size of the operation which yielded the highest results.  This property achieved a first year ROI of 89% and recaptured their complete investment in a mere 13.5 months!  This is truly a success story when you consider that this single hotel reduced its carbon footprint by a staggering 209,437 pounds!


Hampton Inn Middletown Rhode Island



It is very rare that something new in our business has such a two-sided benefit.  Ozone systems allow for an unprecedented opportunity for cost savings on the property level while also contributing greatly to the reduction in carbon emissions and utility usage.  In the world of green technology, it is sometimes the simpler things that pick up the biggest traction quickly.  Think CFL light bulbs as an example.  However, thanks to the evidence that these case studies (and many others like them) provide us, the argument is being made to support a shift in our industry’s sustainability efforts.  With benefits on all sides, the Ozone technology options available today afford us piece of mind, and money in the bank. 

For more information on EcoGreenHotel’s sustainable solutions for hotels, contact us at


About the Author

CHRIS LEWIS, EcoGreenHotel DIRECTOR OF ENERGY SOLUTIONS Veteran with over 17 years in the hospitality industry both in the U.S. and abroad managing and directing all departments including hotel operations, food and beverage, renovation and construction. Lewis brings broad experience with full and select service hotels, facility management, property improvement, environmental initiatives, openings and multi-property management to the team. He previously served as Development and Construction Manager at OTO Development. Lewis’s expertise includes mechanical systems, equipment specs, purchasing habits, standard operating procedures and project management. Lewis was responsible for the “green initiatives” for several properties that successfully qualified to achieve Florida Green Lodging, EcoRooms and EcoSuites, California Green Lodging and Irvine Build Green certifications.



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