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How to Make the Best Business Impression in 8 seconds or Less

publication date: Feb 17, 2016
author/source: Forbes


How to Make the Best Business Impression in 8 seconds or Less
Speech Bubble (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
In business, we live in a world of talkers. We chat on our cell phones, email, blogs, Twitter and Facebook.  We are constantly telling people who we are, what we do and what we think.  But are we doing it in a clear way that helps others understand how our company can help them?
Can you tell someone what you do in 8 seconds or less?
Why is this so important?
The average adult attention span is 8 seconds.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attention_span In reality, most people will stop listening after 5 seconds. Unless they have become hooked, they are lost or on to their next thought.  Telling someone what your business does in this amount of time is a talent and needs to be practiced word for word. Do not depend on your improvisational skills in order to be successful.
When putting together your pitch, ask these questions:
1. What problem does your business solve?
Customers always buy painkillers, not vitamins. Where to Start: Complete the sentence, “My company helps _________ who are __________.” or “Customers rely on my company because we are the best at ____________________.”
2. What are your business’ voice and values?
Are they communicated consistently in everything? Where to Start: Ask customers to name positive and negative adjectives that best describe your business.
3. Who is your community? What type of customers are attracted to what your business sells?
Where to Start
: Look
at your current clients.
What is the profile you now serve? (Additionally, is this the community of customers you want to be serving?)

Ok. I am ready to listen. You have my undivided attention for the next  8 seconds. Go!

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